Male employee, over 50, hourly, not looking to advance at company. What drawbacks can there be for using discretionary PTO (allowed personal time off) from work when there are VOLUNTARY team building events during the work day. Or, not attending any VOLUNTARY after hour events? This is a corporate work place setting.
This is a for real question, not a trick. Work in a midwest USA office.
Favorite Answer
Presumably not attending the voluntary team building events will cause you to lose some measure of favor of the company or your boss. That could possibly (?) make you more vulnerable to be laid off, have your position eliminated, or something along those lines. If that is a possibility you might consider that being laid off (for any reason) at 50 can obviously have bad ramifications.
That sounds like a great way to make yourself a target the next time they're looking for someone to lay off. So if that's your intention go right ahead.