Are black people THAT poor? Is there a big chance a black person will be poor growing up?

I ride buses daily. I see blacks, by far, getting on the bus and not having the bus fare ($2) and verbally asking passengers for a dollar to go with their own. I don't see this by any other race/culture. It is profound that the sheer amount of paaaengers on buses are black. What is going on here?


There are many factors. Social mobility in general isn't getting much better, and slavery/segregation has contributed heavily to the disenfranchisement of African Americans. But choice is also a factor as well. It is harder for anyone poor to be successful. But it doesn't mean it is outright impossible in most cases.


Môśť pôôr folk living in America & across
Europe are Caucasian but a largr % of blacks
are living in povty due to bad lifstyle chôics.


They have no shame asking for anything. A dollar, a cigarette, some of your food etc... anything.


The black race is a joke. F*ck black people. They're only 12% of the U.S. population. Black males between the ages of 15 and 35 are only 3%. Blacks have no culture or history either.