Bf and i am on a break, we talk everyday but i think he only wants to be friends for the moment?

He says somewhere down the line we can get back together, but do I wait until then?? He doesn't flirt with me, and the few times I do try he changes the subject. Plus I don't want to be pushy or make him uncomfortable but gee whiz, I have to worry about upsetting my own boyfriend by flirting with him!!! The subjects are always about work and about his friends, Im glad he is talking to me often but I'm confused at what I am supposed to be doing.


Favorite Answer

He's not your boyfriend anymore. "Going on a break" is a softer way of saying, "this isn't working and rather than try to make it work, we're going to drag out the breakup process longer than it has to be."


when a person says maybe we will get back together later, they mean they are finished with a relationship with us completely, so it's time to move on.


You're supposed to be looking for someone else who can satisfy you in all aspects of a relationship.

Brandon C2019-09-07T16:30:52Z

There is nothing to be confused about. I will tell you exactly what this is. He wants to be "friends" at the moment so he has an unofficial hall pass to go around and sow his oats and bang everything that moves. But he also cares for you so he wants you to hang around so when he is ready and he's done sleeping around you guys can be together again. He also does not want you sleeping around so he's throwing carrots at you and keeping you loyal too him.

My sincere advice? Tell him to get bent. This is nothing more than a game, the only way to win this game is to not play. Bid him farewell and move on with your life. If you want to remain friends with him that's your choice, but you need to create enough distance to move on so you can date and be with someone who isn't going to play these kinds of childish games with you. I am sorry to be so bluntly honest, but this is exactly what is going on. Don't "wait" around for him. Life is happening right in front of you, don't be a spectator in your own life.