I’m dating a guy i have not seen in almost 1 month, Im getting tired of it. Why would he be like that? Any advice?

He’s very ambitious and always focused on making money, but last week he spent his entire weekend with his friends, he even forgot to reply to a message i sent him 5 days prior to him going out with his friends, Why even bother dating! He’s taken me to his home and introduced me to all his family. Why would he do all that when he doesn’t care about me?

pit bulls bite2019-09-10T13:28:52Z

move on............................


DATING is NOT a committed relationship. He doesn't owe you anything. Meet and date other guys, if he really really wants you, MAKE HIM work his A55 off for your time.

You are aging everyday. Go Live!!!!

Russ in NOVA2019-09-10T11:27:56Z

You asked "why" 3 time in this question. But "why" doesn't matter at this point. You have dated him enough to know that his level of attention on you is insufficient. Look into the future...do you think it will get better? No, of course not. So stop trying to figure him out. Just dump him and move on to someone that gives you the proper amount of attention and respect.

BTW: There are several reasons why he would show you off to his family and not care about you. For starters his family could be bugging him about not having a relationship headed toward marriage and grandchildren and he just brought you home as a prop to shut them up.


We date people in order to determine their suitability as a mate and as a parent. Now is the time to seriously consider no longer communicating with this person who absolutely has no regard for you whatsoever.

Dating is a prelude to marriage. Marriage is an agreement between a man and a woman to start a family and raise children. Clearly this person is not ready to get married and would be a horrible husband and father.

Don’t get mad at him. Don’t get upset. Just thank him and move on. Find another more suitable person to be with.


Regardless if he's ambitious or not, if you haven't seen him in almost one month and can't make the time for you, he's simply not worth it. It's actually insulting that he made the time to see his friends instead of you so you have every right to be ticked off. Clearly you're not happy about this and I wouldn't be either and if this were me I would just move on. Not worth it.