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The problem with the OSB is that the New Testament is the New King James Version.
In other words: an intentionally less-scholarly effort to emulate the King James Version, and even emulating the (disreputable) source text.
The ESV itself is criticized by experts for not reaching the same "bar" in scholarship as it's peer (NRSV) and predecessor (RSV)...but I would prefer that forthright though slightly faltering attempt at scholarly excellence in comparison to the NKJV and its attempt to emulate an archaic translation.
SO: ESV. Get the "with Apocrypha" edition.
NEVER SUBMIT... to evil
KJV... Ryrie study Bible.. the expanded edition... Moody press
neither to be frank they are both christian claptrap
The Orthodox Study Bible is just the King James with notes, which are the best part -- they're good.
I recommend the EOB: Eastern/Greek Orthodox New Testament. The next best would be a Catholic-approved Bible. Whatever you think of the Catholics, they have excellent scholarship.
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