Is Microsoft surface windows version of an iPad?

Master Of Puppets2019-09-27T23:22:04Z

Favorite Answer

I would say yes for the most part. The Surface/Surface Pro line of tablets is Microsoft's "answer" to the Apple iPad.

The iPad runs iPad OS which is still very limited compared to Windows and even macOS. Apple has been including more external storage support, but I don't know how good it is.

Most Surface devices run Windows, which is the full version which will work with pretty much any compatible program. Some Surface tablets come pre-installed with Windows 10 S which is a stripped down version of Windows that can only run software from the MS Store, similar to how iDevices can only run apps from the App Store.

Just Wondering00012019-11-05T23:52:01Z

   Hi. Kinda, but not really.

   The Suface is more of a modernizing of the older laptops
that used to come with the options of something called a "docking station" ... but the Surface now uses the Pad style functionalties to become more portable than the laptops used to be.

   It integrates functions like mounting an ISO image instead of carrying a CD/DVD drive in the dock, It includes an on-case external display port [&/or Bluetooth] for connecting to meeting room TV sets or projectors, & it is capable of connecting to wireless printers through WiFi or Bluetooth also.

   So essentially the Surface runs a full version of the OS, with added tools that would've normally been plugged into at an office or other location ... just by connecting a full-size actual keyboard & mouse.

   This makes it much more than a tablet like the iPad, but still easier to carry than a full laptop / Macbook.

   It could very easily take over a lot opf markets, very soon - Just like the commercials show.

   Having scrapped the idea of Win10S on it was a HUGE step up ... 10S was more like the Windows CE was than a "comparable iOS version" ...
even though it did everything by apps, they were still MS apps.



in a manner of speaking.
though it doesn't do things as well as either iPad or Android tablets.
in fact, i heard they just ended support for the portable Windows RT OS that was on many Surface tablets and phones...


The iPad is a tablet,and the Microsoft Surface is pretty much the same.