WHat about our oak tree, sheds acorns and neighbor throws acorns falling into her yard back into our yard? I think its funny.?


Favorite Answer

It is kinda funny, but oh so petty. 
I'm guessing she's quite a bitter person.


My neighbor across the street also has oaks that drop acorns in my front yard. This time of year it's almost impossible to walk, they are like ball bearings. The squirrels can't begin to eat them fast enough.


Buy her a pig, and tell her it is to eat up the acorns.


What is really funny is that the tree does not shed. The squirrels and ravens knock them off. And hope they break when they hit the ground (for the raven) hoping a car drives over them and cracks them. For the squirrel, it tosses down about 100 and then comes down the tree and finds a half dozen to put away in its ground nest....then it climbs the tree again and knocks down another 100. Neighbor lady is petty. She enjoys the shade of the tree, the life giving oxygen the tree produces, the coolness it gives off on a hot day, the wind protection during a stormy winter night and the floors and furniture and house she got because of the tree(UNLESS SHE LIVES IN A CAVE)
. I don't know your neighbor. Why don't you experiment and build a CATAPULT THAT FLINGS A DOZEN ACORNS THAT WAY AT ONE TIME.?
Everytime she throws 1 over she gets a dozen back. Or maybe a pumpkin or dead rat.
Your mission should you decide to accept it is to make a catapult that works automatically.

After all, she is not MY NEIGHBOR. I use a Tennis racket.


I'm pretty sure its her way of saying you need to rake them up and out of her yard. They are a major pain and as its your tree, that would be a reasonable thing to do. Stop laughing and go and rake.

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