how can I handle this situation?

I am 2 weeks shy of finishing up a short semester in a water science related course and I have to show up on campus one more time 10/31/2019. It seems my job is trying to stop me from doing this because they are sending me out in a truck which needs work. I am worried about breaking down and not being able to get to class tonight . How should I handle this. I need to finish the class to renew my water certificate.


Go explain this to your boss and see if there's any way you can use a personal or vacation day to not report to work on that day.


Book the day off work tell them why and if they don’t offer you better transportation just say you can’t miss this. They have to help you out


So you have until October 31 to show up? What's the problem? Tell your manager you need a particular day off to make sure you can attend the course because you have to be sure you'll not be stranded in the middle of nowhere by a mechanical breakdown.