Are there any dried fruits I should not give my horses?

Buying treats is expensive, and I prefer fruit or home made treats over store bought anyways. I have apple trees and tones of apples that mostly go to wast. I normally dry several batches for myself, and I have been considering drying several batches for the winter for my horses. It’ll be handier then keeping fruit stocked in case of the off chance that I want to give them a treat. Two of mine are relatively pushy so I don’t need a tone of treats.

I was going to do my leftover apples and some bananas and try bananas pills. What else is a good treat that is okay to dry? 

Has anyone ever had issues? 

Can you dry carrots?

I would like to have some verity that I can just leave in the tack room. 



Favorite Answer

i would ask your vet about it