If you work in a Gucci or Louis Vuitton store, would you treat some customers different if they wore clothes from Walmart?

Like if a customer came in the store wearing clothes that look like it came from the dollar store, would you tell that person they wouldn't be interested in buying anything from Louis Vuitton can things in that store cost $1,000, then once you found out they can afford it, you start to smoother them with suggestions.... Would you be that employee or treat every customer the same?


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Of course not. But I would mention prices to the customer, like "These blouses just arrived. They're fourteen hundred and up." The customer is then free to leave. But each and every customer I served would receive professional courteous service not matter how he/she was dressed.

I live right across the bridge form Palm Beach and the ultra rich don't "go shopping" in the way you and I do. They send a member of their household or personal staff to the store for them. Or shop by appointment. They aren't strolling up and down Worth Avenue going from shop to shop.