Do you still have your graphing calculator from high school?

I'm 26 for reference. I still have my graphing calculator from high school. I was bad at math, but that calculator was so expensive that I just can't throw it away. It just sits there at the bottom of a drawer. I don't even know if it still works. I find this funny.


Yes. But, when I was in high school, we had plain calculators - not graphing calculators - and we were not allowed to use them.
Graphing calculators were not invented until 20 years after I graduated and went to college... nonetheless, we still learned trigonometry and calculus...


I didn't even have a graphing calculator in high school, but I still have the one from university. (Graphing calculators were EXTREMELY expensive when I was in high school, and anyway, I could do it by hand.) Oh, we also knew this archaic method of writing, called "cursive", in which the letters were connected, and phones that, oh mah gawd, were connected by a wire to the wall.


I got a calculator in 7th grade (12 years old) and still have it in my first year of Uni (18 Years old). Unless it beaks, doubt I'll get rid of it. It's one of the TI N-Spire ones.


Yes lol. I am 23.