Is he value of a precious metal ever determined by where it was produced?

Please settle an argument Im having wit someone.They are telling me that if a coin or bar of any precious metal(Gold,Sliver,etc)was produced by a certain mint then it could be considered inherently more valuable than one produced somewhere else.I say that is nonsense.The value of any precious metal is always set by the current market price and is based on its purity and size.If ,for say,you have two bars of Gold bullion that are exactly the same purity and posses the same amount of gold,then the will be worth exactly the same,even if they bear the markings of two different mints in two different nations.Am I right?


You are correct, it is nonsense, UNLESS, there was a flaw at that particular mint that made the coin different.


You are correct . . . . except if it's collectible. If collectible, it's value might only be partially related to bullion price and could have everything to do with where it was minted.

The Oracle of Omigod2019-10-18T15:33:06Z

Absolutely not unless there is collector value. Any metals which are not obsolete coinage are almost exactly the same value. Go to and look at coin prices.



Ghost Of Christmas Past2019-10-18T14:40:49Z

Usually the value of bullion is based entirely on its metal content. However, some gold coins are rarer than others. The rare ones have a collectors' value that is more than the gold value.