2012 Dodge Grand Caravan work fine yesterday today not starting it asking for the security code onthe radio would that keep it from starting?

John Alden2019-10-22T17:23:52Z

Battery died. They can go overnight once the cold weather moves in.

The Devil2019-10-21T22:29:34Z

The owner's manual is your friend, which wants very bad;y to help you with this. Oh, if you would only get it and read it a little.


When originally purchased the security code should have been issued and noted in the operational instruction book. Everything in the car worked except the radio. Recently I had a similar problem after I charged the battery in my 1999 MB. I contacted the dealer and identified the last 4 digits of the VIN #. I inserted it on the radio window when prompted and the problem was fixed. Good luck.

Trump 20202019-10-21T17:38:15Z

Replace the battery if it's more than 4 years old.


The battery is dead.

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