Will Trump brag abou this?

Trump went to Game 5 of the World Series and when they announced his name the crowd booed him, flipped him off and chanted Lock Him Up! Can he now brag that he had a larger crowd of people booing him than President Obama ever had?

Jake No Chat2019-10-28T03:28:39Z

He could brag about such a welcome, but I doubt that he will.


Liberals are SUCH class acts, always leading by example, so polite and considerate.

Sarcasm. Wouldn't want you to think I meant it. I found it shameful and disgusting.

He's a brave man to appear in public in DC. No doubt he'd get a nicer reception in TX.


Trump and his wife should attend bowling tournaments. They may feel more welcome there.


Well, he is in the phaggot belt known as Washington DC


obama is better than trump

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