Do you know the difference between the Muslim "God" and the God of the Bible?


Jesus never advocated killing others.


There is no difference. All deities are made up entities that exist only in the imaginations of people. By definition, a deity cannot exist. Not one single person has ever provided proof and evidence of a god..... ANY god. It is dishonest to assert as fact that which is not evidently true.

M Johnson2019-10-30T08:58:32Z

My guess is the difference of Parents.


There's more than one difference. The Muslim deity is not 'Father' in any sense, and humans cannot relate to Him in a Father/son kind of relationship. The Bible deity calls Himself a 'Father' to the nation of Israel. Further, He has always related to the Word of God before any creation started, as the only-begotten Son of God (who later became the Son of Man - Jesus Christ) without any partners involved (but Muslims cannot see that). Also, the Bible deity enables repentant sinners to be born from above without any partners involved, to be adopted into His heavenly family. They start to enjoy a Father/child relationship with God once they are born again(spiritually).

That's one difference - relationship between God as Father. Muslims think it's blasphemy to view God as Father in any sense whatsoever - their relationship is like servants to a master, submission to Allah and working hard to merit his eventual approval, not knowing whether he will be merciful to them on the Day of Judgment, or not.

Christians, on the other hand, know that the Son of God said, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit." John 15:15-16

This is the stunning relationship Christians are to enjoy - all because of the finished work of Christ to open up that relationship to those putting faith in it. Muslims deny that to be true, for they have been told (and so they believe) that God is not Father, Jesus is not His only-begotten Son, He never died nor was He resurrected for sinners.

This difference alone is so vast as to show there can be no compatibility with the Muslim deity and the God of the Bible. We are not dealing with one and the same deity.


Both are based on the same god, but the Muslim god just tries to make sense out of the inconsistencies and contradictions

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