Gaming Laptop recommendation?

First of all, I want it to be at least 1080p. I'm willing to settle for 60hz as well. That being said, I really  like AMOLED/oled (idk the difference). I also dislike thin laptops and would prefer a hefty one. I'm basically willing to sacrifice the ascetics of the entire design as well as the boons of an SSD for the CPU and gpu. I've tried to look for laptops with this profile, but it seems top-end CPUs & GPUs are only demanded when combined with crazy insane displays and SSDs. I want to spend no more than $800-1200. Is there any like niche product market for this or should I just save up for Alienware?


googled gaming laptop found one that fits.

Oled in laptops is very rare, and expensive. 
It adds $400-800 to the price, and there is no benefit. Just go with a standard LED screen and save that money.

Oled is also only on thin laptops (which also cost more) that is the main reason they are thin.


recommendation ... dont be cheap ...