Is it possible to tunnel your way into The White House's presidential bedroom?

Although it would take a couple of years has anyone considered the very real threat Iranian Revolutionary Guards could tunnel their way into the White House ? They could stealth take out security using Kabaddi keeping things quiet and then capture the president.

When considering modern machinery it would not take that long only requiring the last few miles to be done by hand to keep things quiet. 

Then tying a pin camera to the Presidential Chihuahua's manhood so that it can spy on events as they unfold in the aftermath giving them ultimate access to US military secrets. 

I'm also concerned that since The White House is an old building with its foundations only being oak timber and peat that it would be too easy to drill through. Any ideas on how this threat could be stopped? 


Favorite Answer

The White House goes 5-8 levels below ground. Checkmate. 


WH has the best security in world history,, try it n see


No. Detection of tunneling has been around since at least WW ONE. Israel is getting very good at detecting it. You can be sure that has been considered in regards to Washington DC.


The bedroom might not be on the lowest floor.


Tunneling to the 2nd floor will probably be detected.

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