Fellow Christians, i have a question about questions on R&S?

If you have recently asked a question and chose best answers, please answer if you are able to switch the question to anonymous afterwards?

I have seen a lying poster here pretend to be a Christian, who i have seen post mocking questions and when exposed, started switching them to anonymous and claimed this:

"Everyone, see the lies and excuses from this wolf.  After questions have a best answer selected they cannot be modified.  I calles this wolf out for bad behavior and he has done nothing but attack me since.  He is anti-Christ and a hypocrite who would rather harm others than examine himself."

See and judge these questions yourself:







Can you confirm is it true or not?


Favorite Answer

Well, I'm not a Christian, but I can confirm that questions can be changed to anon, even after a favourite answer has been selected.


Butthurt much?

Marina hasn't posted anything antichrist today.  She has asked decent questions about religion and all you do is hate.

You have a problem.  Figure it out.


Wait... he or "she"? Also, there is a difference between someone who willingly worships the devil, and the "anti-Christ". First, there is no such thing as "anti-Christ". Such a statement means that there is a demonic being that is as powerful as God. No such being exists. 

In any case, this being the Yahoo! forums, all you can do is report his/her questions and answers if they are breaking Yahoo! policy. When the time comes to actually meet this individual in the forums, we'll have a chat in the comment section.

Wine About It2019-12-22T18:08:04Z

Dude! You are OBSESSED LOL!

You must really be trying to hide something youve done wrong. This is exactly how you people act when you have no defense for your own behavior. You sink down to ad hominem attacks.

It's all you've got.
