is the ford fusion a good car to buy?


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It was always a top-rated car - - - too bad they won't make them anymore.

added:  Car makers seldom announce that they have discontinued a car = while they are still trying to unload the leftovers.  Example:  until recently, the 2019 Ford website still listed the Taurus . . . although the last ones were made in March.

The Lincoln version of the Fusion - the MKZ - is no longer in production.  At last word, the Continental (a stretched and glorified Fusion) is still being made in 1 plant.

Ford announced that by mid-2020, the only conventional "car" (not a truck, SUV, crossover or such) sold in the US will be the Mustang.  The Ford Fusion is still on their list of 2020 vehicles . . . all other US sedans have already been discontinued . . . and it's unknown whether a US factory will continue to make home-market Fusions, or if some will be supplied from foreign factories . . . . or they will be discontinued later in the year - or next week.

For years, Ford has the same model names for cars made in various countries - but a Focus, Fiesta, Fusion can be different cars in different countries.  If we believe what they are saying now, there will shortly be no US Fusion.

It's a shame that we cannot have the choices that US car companies offer in foreign countries.  Another example:  the last Buick-badged sedan sold in the US - the Regal - is really a German import and soon to be discontinued . . . . . but the Chinese can buy real, large Buick sedans made over there.
US sedan buyers will soon have to choose among imports:  Benz, Volvo, Hyundai/Kia, Toyota, Nissan, etc. 


Depends on your budget


I heard it is........