Do guys talk to themselves when nervous around a girl?

So I have this guy friend who I've noticed has started to act slightly strange around me. Whenever we're alone around each other he either starts to talk to himself (at a volume where he knows I can hear him) or he will be silent but I can sense how nervous he is. Why does he do this?


A lot of liberal guys tend to get nervous around women.  These idiots usually end up exposing themselves.


If a guy is nervous around you he will argue with himself to why he shouldn't talk to you and bully himself and say why you would love any other guy on Earth to talk to other than him.  "If I talk to her she will laugh at me and reject me because she finds me ugly" is the thought most guys have but in different words.  Speaking from experience, give a shy guy with a sense of humour and lighty makes fun of himself a fiancé did.


Yes sometimes many guys do
But many do not