What do you think of airline meals? I like them, but some people complain about them. I think they are pretty good for tv dinners.?


Not a huge fan. I prefer to just go for the drinks.


They don't really exist anymore, outside of international flights. And in those cases, I think it depends on where you're flying.
I feel a sense of accomplishment when I tear through one of those German bread rolls without breaking a tooth. It's not anything I'd want to be woken up/sobered up for, though. Let me sleep/pass out until we're back above land.


i've never been given a full meal on an airplane. just a snack and a cup of soda.

Weasel McWeasel2020-01-07T20:30:23Z

I've flown many times, and I've had the gamut.........

some meals that weren't fit for dogs.......(Delta)........

sometimes,  just a hero sandwich, that was just okay........

and some, I actually really enjoyed........(Air Italia) 

Pasta is almost always a mistake, because pasta does not microwave well. 


not bad but I prefer trains...

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