I am literally having chest pain after eating a plate of spaghetti. I just took 2 aspirin. should I call an ambulance and die slow?

Or would a faster painful death be better?

(The grandson gets it all. His mother has no say in the matter and is not invited to the funeral)


I ran out of losartin 3 days ago and have not refilled my prescription.


Excuse me, its Lorsartan.


Favorite Answer

If you truly feel in danger call emergency services better to be checked out then to have a sudden death. Remember think about how others will feel when you're gone not necessarily how you would. Spend as much time as you can with those you love because the day you're gone they'll have something to always cherish. Besides one more day on Earth is a Thorn on the side of that *****.


It could be a hiatal hernia, its not fatal.