Hi I wanted to know if cataclean works? My jetta needs a transmission so I took my Audi to shop to get fixed. I had to get valve cover gaskets replaced. The oil was leaking badly into the cylinders. I wanted to know should I try cataclean to clean out leaking oil? I have no failure of converter. Just thought it might need cleaning.
Clean out leaking oil into the cylinders? The ONLY way for oil to enter the combustion cycle is when it gets past the piston rings or an intake manifold that resides over a lifter valley like on a V block engine with one camshaft and the intake manifold gasket allows some oil thrown off of the camshaft to get sucked into a cylinder on the piston intake stroke. If you feel like adding something to the gasoline, just throw some Gumout in the gas tank every time you fill up for a couple of months.