Am i being a bad Catholic? and what do i do?? PLS HELP?

i am intolerent to gluten. i don't have celiac or and allergy but i get sick even if i have the smallest amount of gluten. unfortunatly the eucharist contains gluten and during my gluten free diet i would eat the eucharist and feel sick for several days and it makes it harder to focus in school. experts say that those with this intolerance should go completly gluten free for health reasons. so i started going up to receive communion and then stuff it in my pocket when no one is looking and throw it out later. i can't just not receive communion bec my parents wont allow that. and i can't tell them bec they would not understand and they'd prob force me to take it. im just reaizing now how bad that is. any advice?


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As a person who grew up in a strict (well Polish - they're pretty hardcore) Roman Catholic household. I know that you can go up to the priest and simply have your arms crossed and he will bless you instead of giving you the Eucharist. I know this is seen with children before their first communion or those who have divorced as they cannot take the Eucharist, HOWEVER no one can judge you. Go to confession and speak with the priest about this during confession, you're conflicting feelings and how your body cannot take it but your soul wants to. It is better to go up and be blessed rather than take the Eucharist and throw it out as that is much more offensive and heavy on a soul. The priest will understand and therefore the priest and you and your church will understand. If your parents say anything just say you spoke with the priest and he understands why and he told you a blessing upon the head is okay for you. I know Catholics judge a lot, but its contradictory as no judgement but that of God should pass. So go speak in confession to your priest about this dilemma and I'm certain he'll tell you god would rather have you blessed during the Eucharist than have you either throw it out or suffer pain. 
All the best and hopefully your parents let it go once you tell them you spoke with the priest about this. 


Our (Protestant) church passes a plate of bread cubes, with a small dish of "gluten-free bread" in the center of the plate.  The pastor announces that the gluten-free option is available.

The tiny glasses of "wine" are actually grape juice.

Some church traditions that have been done the same way for a long time, are now being recognized as unnecessarily pedantic.  

The whole sacrament of "this is my body" and "this is my blood" has been mocked as ritual cannibalism by some non-believers.  Some churches now stress "Do this in remembrance of me" instead of believing in actual transubstantiation.

Truly, I don't intend to criticize other denominations for the ways they celebrate communion.  


The Roman Catholic Church will not allow its congregations to be given gluten-free  hosts, for celebrating the Eucharist during Mass, according to its latest directive at the behest of Pope Francis. “Hosts that are completely gluten-free are invalid matter for the celebration of the Eucharist.”

Now think well whether you want to be part of this "church" that officially wants to make you sick. 

Do you really think Jesus would allow that? 

Best wishes. 🙂 


No.  You don't HAVE to take communion.  If "even the smallest amount of gluten" makes you ill, then you DO have an allergy to it.

Ghost Of Christmas Past2020-02-03T15:54:10Z

Gluten-free hosts are available.  (They are square and taste revolting).  If your symptoms are severe, you can receive Holy Communion in the form of wine alone.  Speak to your priest.  Bet you're not the first coeliac in the Parish.

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