Obi Wan Knievel
Anyone can foresee the future. Watch, I'll prove it right now...
I not only predict that the sun will rise tomorrow, I also predict that it will rise in the east, and it will happen precisely at dawn. Wait a few hours, and tell me if I got it wrong.
If you're talking about people with self-proclaimed psychic powers, how many times have you seen "psychic wins the lottery" as a news headline? How come not a single one of them is willing to prove their abilities in a controlled scientific environment?
Nature did give everyone that ability, some hone in on the skill better than others. It can grow over time.
"Wouldn't it be helpful if everyone was able to do it?"
Yes, let's all be more competitive than everybody else. Let's all be richer than average.
I'm perfectly prepared to accept that info from the future somehow reaches people in the present. I've seen no evidence that some people have the "ability" to see a future whenever they feel like doing so.
Good luck smelling against the wind
Nature is not giving anything. It is God that allows some to have the gift of prophecy.
Captain Matticus, LandPiratesInc
Who can foresee the future? There has never been a successful double-blind study that demonstrated that anybody had psychic abilities.