Do only certain sorts of people have paranormal experiences? Why do some people seem to have a lot, but others none?


Some people are good runners or painters, others are mechanically minded. You can improve these traits, but if you haven’t got the talent you haven’t got the talent 

Mr. P2020-02-17T23:43:25Z

It depends how connected you are.
Some people are sensitive to pick up on these things while others walk around with their eyes shut and their fingers in their ears.
Those that mediate or have done tend to be more open to small details. Do you notice the birds? Do you talk to them? Do they talk back? 
Can you read the weather? Can you predict it?
Can you feel the energy in things or the life of an object? The energy in a storm?

If you can do all these things then you are more likely to sense spirits also.

If you have meditated and met other people there then seeing spirits is just the same. They show up when they want to.

Dr. NG2020-02-16T15:05:02Z

Imagination, poor education, and upbringing are reasons for sure but don't come close to explaining why there are so many of them. One thing keeping them going for centuries is "Science is working on it and the proof of paranormal is due any day." Why people believe silly things, is an age-old question and not soon to be answered. Here's an interesting link on the subject



The others may just be better at rationalising things away, as in blaming "coincidence"


Some people are more gullible than others.
Some people seek attention more than others. 
Some people have fewer scruples about deceiving the gullible than others

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