Do school rooms have windows to the corridor? And only in/behind the door or in the whole wall?

Please enter country, and school type (elementary, high school) in your answer.


Here in NL (Netherlands) there are school have. My Elementary school, one school has a corridorless design with a wardrobe before classroom (but has a Window to that wardrobe) My Highschool do not have windows to the corridor.

I had lessons in 4 school buildings.

1. Elementary with windows to wardrobe (corridorless design)
2. Elementary with windows to the corridor.
3. High school, NO Windows to the corridor. (or only in the door)
In High school have many years lessons in another school building, because there were too few classrooms.
4. This was a Elementary school building with also NO Windows to the corridor. (or only in the door)

I believe that most old school building in NL have windows to corridor side and the new one's don't have, but no sure at all.

Have insert picture of school one.


Schools in the UK have NEVER had windows into the corridor - causes distractions if the students can see people walking past.

Master Of Puppets2020-02-16T00:54:46Z

The high school I went to here in NorCal is a bit different than a "typical" high school. Most of the classrooms here were 'portable' classrooms. They only had 1 window and no corridor/hallway. The only classrooms that had a "hallway" were in the science wing and even then it was usually only used by teachers.


Where I grew up, in New Jersey USA, the only corridor windows were in the door.  This was true for grades K to 12.
I assume to cut down on distractions.


No one is going to bother to do that.
We are not all bored as you sound.

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