Why are some theists frequently assertive, and arrogant, declaring "I know there is God" and they start judging others with that god rules?

People who believe in God to be worthy and moral, but then someone who believes or not believe in gods or their version of their gods points out the ridiculousness and falsehood hypocrisy of their statements, and the theist becomes desperate and insecure, trying to regain a sense of relevancy, but falling into a heavy reliance on logical fallacies and intellectual dishonesty and blocking people answers. They start falsely accusing people that not share their religion version or twisted before bringing out the names and insults, signaling that they have lost? Religious people accused Jesus of blasphemy... when Jesus points out the ridiculousness and falsehood hypocrisy of their statements..they supposedly know-how well that end

Ernest S2020-02-20T16:31:06Z

God has shown sufficient to all.

Those that refuse do not want Him.

Jim V2020-02-20T16:18:10Z

Is there a real question in here ... or did you just feel like a rant this morning?

Yes, God exists.
That has logical entailments.

And yes, please note, Jesus was accused of blasphemy because he equated himself with God.


Isn't it human nature to judge others, even though Christ, Paul & others said not to? Nonbelievers also judge.


They feel entitled to their arrogance. 

River Euphrates2020-02-20T15:36:44Z

Keep in mind that the many of the people you are likely to encounter on Y! Answers (and many other public online forums) are trolling.

Poe's Law says it can be difficult (if not impossible) to tell the difference between someone who actually holds a ridiculous position, and someone who is just pretending to hold that position in order to garner attention.

When you give them the attention they crave, they will continue to post, and after a certain point the signal to noise ratio gets where it's just trolls trolling trolls.