secret service agent training?

This may be asked already but didn’t see or couldn’t find after a brief look. 

How are secret service agents trained to take a bullet for the president. Specifically how that training makes agents able to overcome the survival instinct instantly or with only second to act and put themselves in front of the president or threat?


Why does everyone need to point out that questions are under the wrong section? Why is that important enough to even warrant it? It was an accident? I am not a veteran of Q&A? I didn’t even realize? Pick a  reason. And thank you AJ, for atleast a more informative answer. But cogito, that is the vaguest answer I may have ever seen. They were trained.... really? 


As cogito says, your post has nothing to do with Theater and Acting.

Secret Service agents usually have a law enforcement and/or military background.  Nobody is "trained to take a bullet" they are trained to be observant, follow orders, remain calm in chaotic conditions and protect themselves and the people around them.

You might get some more informed answers regarding training if you move your question to the Government > Law Enforcement or Military forums.


Why is this in the Theatre & Acting section?

They aren't trained to do that specifically, any more than soldiers or police officers are trained to do so.  They're just trained to do their job, keep calm in a crisis, keep thinking and act really quickly in extreme circumstances.
However, I can't imagine that any agent or police officer would 'take a bullet' for the current president.  No-one is that stupid!