My aunt wants to be invited to my slumber parties and sleepovers with my friends.?

I told her it was okay, but my slumber party and sleepover friends object because she is mean to her daughter and my other two friends. How can I get my aunt to be nice to me and my friends so that everyone will want her at the slumber parties and sleepovers? Her daughter (one of my friends), will not allow to come to the sleepovers and slumber parties. Meanwhile, my aunt is really mean to me because she wants to go to the slumber parties and sleepovers. I love my aunt and want her to be nice to me and my friends.

Alan H2020-03-07T19:22:11Z

Why do you want her if she will not let her daughter come?


Whichever one of your parents is her sibling will have to sit her down and tell her it's inappropriate for an adult to attend a kids' slumber party. That's just weird.


Tell her majority rule, the slumber party is only for your friends.


Is this the aunt with mental health issues, the aunt you've posted about over and over and over? The aunt who hates you?

You cannot control anyone else's behavior.  If you are talking "sleepovers" there are parents involved.She's somebody's sister.  Have that parent talk to her.

I don't know what's creeper - her behavior or this question.


Forget her. Can I come?

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