Which Samsung phones work like a Galaxy s4?

My first Samsung was a Galaxy s2 and the one I have now is a S4. I am wanting a much larger phone with a good camera that operates like the S2 and S4.  Meaning the way I enter, block etc my contacts, schedule texts, assign ring tones etc.  I am sure those that have had the Galaxy S phones know what I am talking about.  My roommate got a Galaxy M30 and although it is a nice phone and takes good pictures it just isn't as simple to navigate around and you have to go through more steps to do what you are trying to do.  I definitely know I want the display more than 6 inches and importantly at a reasonable price.  All input welcome.  Thank you 

Master Of Puppets2020-03-06T01:38:21Z

Favorite Answer

Pretty much every smartphone will do whatever your S4 did and even a lot more (depending on make/model). The main differences really come down to the phone size, software, and user interface. The S4 came out nearly 7 years ago, so the software on newer Galaxy phone will of course look different. I use the Galaxy Note 8 and it works very well for me. It has a large screen, ample amounts of storage, and takes good picture.

The Galaxy S and Note series of Samsung phones are the higher priced phones, but you should consider the A series. These are mid-range phones that have most of the features as the higher end models, but at a lower cost.


I'm sure every Samsung model has the same features you have listed. Would the A10 work for you?