Christians: Which is the most believable to you?

This question is about human existence.

Christians, which one of these two arguments makes the most sense.

1. That humans evolved from chimpanzees.

2. That a talking snake tempted a naked woman to eat the fruit from a magical tree, that a naked man had been tricked into eating and that we're all descended down from them.

Please choose either 1. or 2.


They both kind of sound crazy if you think about it


I am not religious, I don't belive either.b


The talking snake wasn't necessarily in the physical world. Maybe in the dreams or something like it. It was somewhere where it's normal for it to happen. Why are you Atheists so shallow?

🤔 Jay2020-03-07T21:12:18Z

I will answer as an ex-Christian...
We did not evolve from monkeys and the Biblical Genesis is ancient folklore, not historic fact. Atheism is for mature adults.... 


So where the chimp come from??????????/

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