Are some special theists trying desperately to ignore the staggering revelations being investigated by science in the fields of ...?

Quantum Physics and Molecular Biology?  And are those few theists doing so because these findings are beginning to make their 'theory' of creationism look very primitive indeed?  Because a few of them need their fragile faith to remain intact, dear. Happily having faith that "there is a God" but is getting harder and harder for them, so they employ appeals to ignorance to ignore and lie what they don't like,  but hiding under anonymous? 



Asking the same question repeatedly is against the rules here.

Campbell Hayden2020-03-10T21:58:13Z

Being that “christian” prayer fails so miserably,  
and hunger, poverty, suffering, and disease have  
not gone away, it becomes obvious that the only thing  
christ-based belief can try to eliminate … is all other beliefs.  

That is why many theists avoid science like the plague. 
Success through fact-based research really ticks them off. 

They would rather and simply "believe" in things, instead. 


That is neither new, nor surprising.  They have always operated in that manner, and much worse.  Certain ones, like Abe's bunch, can fly mad and violent over the smallest things.  Beware the theist with that blank look we are all so familiar with.