Is dialysis uncomfortable?

How long can a 65 yr old man expect to live on Dialysis or is it better to get a kidney transplant


The average patient lives 10 years longer w hemodialysis, that considering there are no other complications with their health (which is somewhat uncommon for someone 65 yo).
Generally speaking a kidney transplant is the best option for a patient with no longer functional kidneys, but the surgery itself is risky and finding a donor match is not as easy, plus the risk of organ rejection is very real despite meds.
This is a question for your relative/friend's nephrologist who will be able to answer this question better since they know this person's case in a more detailed way.


He may not be able to get a kidney transplant at his age. That's a question he needs to ask his doctor. Writer James Mitchener lived to be 90 on dialysis, at which point he decided to discontinue treatment.