Are Anglican Eucharists gluten free?


It is our view that health issues should be dealt with at the local level (parish/diocese)
and, although important, are not really within the province of this report. However, it
should be noted that de-alcoholised wine is now available more readily, and that
gluten free bread is far more readily available as well. Roman Catholic arguments
about the licitness of gluten free bread (or leavened bread for that matter) hold no
authority in Anglicanism, especially when placed beside the BCP rubric. 


For the results see the Table in Appendix 2.

There were responses from 29 Provinces/Churches. In the Table a complete blank
indicates no response.

7 respondents indicate that the question of substituting for bread and wine has arisen.

10 respondents indicate that substitution has taken/takes place or may have done so