Do you have any ideas about how to deal with a pandemic so that the economy isn't destroyed as well?

The response to Corona virus has been terrible for the economy. In the future, it would be great if recessions caused by a pandemic could be avoided. How could that be done?


We have not heard anything from countries like North Korea or Cuba. They might be untouched economically, and still healthy. Taiwan and South Korea are nominated to be a model of the world in handling the crisis this time. China has claimed that it has defeated the virus once and for all. It has even handed out help worldwide. But no one does believe it so far. Even the WHO which has done a great job for China so far has still blamed the US to call the name Chinese virus and not his name Covid 19. The US should stop paying it. I'm so sure that it has more enough money from China.


Simply let nature take its course.
Work as much as usual.

Treat the People who NEED it.

[Is is time for the second impeachment. Expected on 14 June 2020.]

The Taxpayer2020-03-19T18:56:16Z

Trump is showing us that American lives are worth more than money. Very refreshing!