Is there karma -?


Is this coronavirus pandemic a judgement of fate, fortune, etc. on mankind for our lack of empathy, compassion for one another, our capitalist avarice?  


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"Is this coronavirus pandemic a judgement of fate, fortune, etc. on mankind for our lack of empathy, compassion for one another, our capitalist avarice?"

Dismal outlook. Using this logic, maybe it's karma for those humans who refuse to see goodness in the world, tireless rescue workers, generous philanthropists (who had no outside force making them give), and all the other good people who help with flat tires, help with a father short on cash at the checkout counter, who help with dogfood for the homeless pet owners...

"You're buying just one thing? You can go ahead of me."
"Ah thanks! :) "

Maybe it's karma for people who deny goodness in mankind exists and that kind of mindset will only harm us more for lack of willingness to leap into the breach and join those empathetic, compassionate, generous human counterparts. Snarking from the sidelines because they don't see that Good is there and Good is always happy to have us join it. (That's just how Good is.)

HEADLINE: Passerby Jumps into Lake to Save Drowning Motorist
YOU: Corona virus karma because humanity is mean & avaricious?

No. There's no karma, not in the mysticism sense. Good thing for you, right? ;)


It means 'consequences'.  Are those real?
How the religious love to twist words, and change their meaning.
If christians couldn't use their Holy straw Man, they would have no argument at all.