27 and never had a boyfriend. Anyone else?

I'm a 27 year old female. I've never had a serious boyfriend. It gets to me sometimes. I worry I might never have one. No one ever thinks this is my story though. Apparently I come off as normal, but I've missed out on a lot. 
I've never had a first kiss. I lie if people ask about it. I have said I had it at 9 before, and 11 or 12 other times. 11 or 12 is the one I stick to now. I just describe an actual time I hung out with a boy or boys as a kid, and then add the part where we kiss. These were scenarios where we played together, but that was it. I remember that there were times in middle school where I hoped things would lead to a date or a kiss, but they didn't. I was a tomboy, and I felt like this friend zoned me. I was also very tall, so the boys would be my height or shorter. 

As a kid I was ready to date. I was devastated when each school year passed, and I was alone again. 

I wasn't popular. I was quiet, and poorer than other kids in town. My Dad was mentally ill, and I had a hard time coping.

People could tell I was the kind of girl who wouldn't have sex, and while it's great to avoid pregnancy and diseases I think this holds me back. 

I feel like I missed out. I have some hope I will find someone though.   


do you think your problem might be you don't like men? have you given women a try?