Anyone else think Democrats & Republicans should just fight to the death?

Like maybe both sides of the political spectrum should meet up in designated places in their nearest cities and just fight to the death until only one party is left. One side will all be dead, so they no longer have complaints. Because they’re dead. And the other side can run the world into the sh!tter if they want to. We could do like a hashtag. Something like #FinallyWeCanBrowseFacebookInPeace

It would be wonderful. 


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As an independent, I support that 100%. I'll just make popcorn.


Seems we’re moving toward that.


Republicans will pick Arnold and Chuck Norris to fight for them. 

Democrats will pick a 100 pound gay guy and a black woman in a wheelchair (to have a very PC team). 

My money is on republicans. 

scott b2020-03-29T06:53:49Z

No, I think pretty much you're the only one that thinks that....