Why are theists always looking for ANSWERS on Yahoo Answers when the Scriptures is right in front of them? Scriptures always right or not?


And some special users especially ask many questions about atheism or to insult atheists and they give the best answer to some theist with the same fantasies and twisted views... 

jon pike2020-04-03T21:49:56Z

Judaeo/Christians go to the text. It is atheists who ask here to ensnare believers. Why? Because they are only interested in contemporary secular answers. The Bible is archaic and fantasy to them, lacking in credibility and wisdom. Forget that it was written over a period of 14 centuries, covering 4000 years of history, by 40 men who didn't know each other, with a consistent style and theme, and lasted another 2000 years undiminished since the last writer lived. Miracle? No. Act of God? No. Accident of ignorant uneducated peasants? Yes.


Scripture is always right when subject to accurate and authoritative interpretation, which is why Jesus founded one Church, said it was to remain one and promised that one Church the fullness of God's truth until the end of time. When people attempt to understand scripture without His Church, they end up fragmenting into thousands of conflicting denominations teaching thousands of contradictory beliefs, in just a few hundred years.


if i want an answer from you i'll let you know lol ...


Reported for mocking other users