Everybody is going on about corona. Or something.  What is that.. they won’t let me leave my house. They tell me they do shoot me if I go ou?

And that. Who is this corona? Why does he has the power to keep me in my house and that? I diss nothing. Why I in prison. I don’t have any beer or ganja. What am I going to do? I will put up a bounty of $15 for anyone with information leading to the arrest of this corona guy.


$15 bounty.  Could you spare it?  I don't even get out of bed for $15




< They tell me they do shoot me if I go ou? >
On the good side, they gave you warning.

Desolate the Toothsome2020-04-11T20:17:34Z

This made me smile.



Obvious troll. Try smarter next time plz.

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