Do i have legal obligation to pay her?

if a friend gave me a ticket to a show even though she knew I couldn't pay for it and said that's fine i just want to go, does she have the right to demand the money for it a year later? is it more of a moral obligation to be a nice person even though she was nasty about asking for the money? even going as far as to PayPal request it from me?


A year later? Of course not, laughable.


If she gave you the ticket, free and clear of an arrangement to repay her, then it was a gift.  Don't feel obligated to pay her and don't feel guilty about it.  Do consider dumping that person as a friend.  A friend would not be asking for money for a gift given months before, or before any time.  A gift is a gift.  In fact, tell her to shove it up her ........


"She knew you couldn't pay for the ticket" is not the same as "Thanks but no, I can't accept this ticket because I can't pay for it". You say she said , "That's fine I just want to go" means what? You are somewhat vague with what was said and when bring up "even though she was nasty about asking for the money" that looks a bit like trying to rationalize not paying for the ticket. It there is ANY question that you might not have been super clear that you were not paying her for ticket then you should pay her back.


not if she gave it to you under the pretense that you didn't have to pay. Especially if she gave it to you without you asking for it.