Where can I find these references about Jesus?
My pastor said some things in our church, the Church of Ultimate Holiness in the UK.
1. Jesus was BIG
There are written accounts he was 6ft 7 and 22 stone and muscle bound. For reasons such as tall people are more believable (if he was 4ft he d have issues being taken seriously and couldn t clear the synagogue alone)
2. Jesus liked wine
He used his power to demonstrate there is a time and place to have fun BUT he didn t like beer because the Jews were poor at making it and it gives you a beer gut.
3. Jesus had a balanced diet and hearty meals
"Thou canst live on bread alone" he said and made sense given his excellent physique part of Gods plan to eat and exercise
4. Jesus was indirectly a supporter of prostitution
Although not a promoter of it. Given the way men get violent, perverse etc. He didn t condemn them for preventing the greater evils and for many women it paid the bills i.e survival.
5. Jesus was too big to put in the catacombs
This is why he ended up being put in a cave. Given most people were quite short and thin by today s comparison it was simply practical.