Boats for Hire?

I have a USCG boating certificate which allows me to drive boats, my question is can I drive a boat for hire without a captain’s license?  I’d be starting my own company, just trying to get a feel for rules and regulations, anything will help, thanks!


Favorite Answer

If you don't have a USCG "captains" license, called a 6-pack, no you can't.  The boating certificate, which is not required, just shows you are capable on paper to operate a boat. To obtain a captains license you must take a USCG approved course, have a physical and show that you have a minimum 360 days experience on the water.


Depends where you live. Here in Oz you need a licence t odrive your own boat BUT can hire a boat & drive it without a licence!!!! Got to love the ***, sorry law


How about asking the USCG?


If asking a--holes on YA is your first course of action then you don't have enough gumption to star any business.


U need a captain license, a boat and commercial liability insurance.