Is there a book on the different views of the rapture?

I want to restudy the Book of Revelation. I want to be able to study out the different views of the rapture. There is the pre, mid, & post. Is there a book or videos that give the different views? 


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Why limit your study to wrong choices?

Chi girl2020-04-22T02:30:11Z

No rapture.  It's not biblical.  Darby invented it in the 1830's.


You can google the word rapture and find out what the different view points are from christian teachers and churches.

Personally as one who believed in the rapture doctrine for many years, I started studying that teaching from a bible point view only -- and came up with some startling discoveries about it -- which I didn't know before.

Here are some of them.

 In the passage of scriptures pertaining to the rapture (1Thess 4:13-17).

- Why is the "church" the body of Christ (Eph 1:21-22) not mentioned --it only says "brethren" (1Thess 4:13)?

- Where does it say the Lord is taking this people to HEAVEN? (1Thess 4:17) It only says he will catch them up together in the clouds and meet them in the air --- on this EARTH.

- How many times is the Lord "coming" back to this earth -- once or twice? According to (Matt 24:30, 1Thess 4:15, & Rev 1:7-8) it is only ONCE.

- If the Lord is taking his people home to heaven through a rapture and then returning again to this earth to judge and rule it -- doesn't that make it twice?

- Why did Paul not mention this rapture event in his other 13 letters and why does James, Peter, John, and Jude not mention it in their letters?

- Was this rapture event actually connected with Israel's HOPE (Acts 28:20)
with the Gentile christians/church as partakers of this hope (Rom 15:27) in the Ist century but put on hold because of Israels fall as a nation in (Acts 28:28)?

- How can the body of Christ the churches "one HOPE and calling" (Eph 4:4) be the same hope of Israel who were judged no longer Gods people (Acts 28:25-28)?

- Why is the blessed hope (Tit 2:13) for christians today Christ appearing to us through the RESURRECTION from the grave (Eph 5:14 & Phil 3:11 & 21)?

- If a remnant of Israel (Rom 9:27) is to be saved by the Lord during the tribulation at his coming  (Rom 11:28) Doesn't it make more sense our Lord will catch them up (rapture) in the air on this earth out of harms way of the anti-christ reign of terror on this earth?

I contend the rapture today for the church is a BIG HOAX and is not the churches hope at all but a FALSE hope causing all kinds of confusion and stress among some christians especially the young who see no need to marry, start up families or have job careers.


Revelation is the only part of the bible to discuss the details of the rapture. Post rapture would be a very short book (all dead). The end of the world, according to the bible, begins with two demons of hell attacking Iraq (dragon and son beast). They form a coalition of nations in mere hours (fantasy in ancient times, but was actually done in modern times due to modern communications). Much of Revelation seemed like fantasy before it became reality. That is why God decreed that anyone changing the meaning of Revelation would be written out of the book of life forever. Revelation 15 says that the coronavirus is just one of the 7 plagues (6 more to go).


Try googling this "pre mid and post tribulation book"

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