Are there any other ways to get tested for Coronavirus besides "Swabbing"?

I am very afraid to get tested for Covid-19 because I believe that the 'Swabs" have the virus on them and they are giving this virus to people. I may be paranoid but im afraid that If I go back to work soon, they may have a mandatory testing for us before we can go back to work. Is there any other type of ways for them to test us besides "Swabbing"?

LindseyS499 usetobe LINDSEYS2020-04-23T13:34:06Z

The swabs shouldn't have covid 19 on them. Because the people making them and using them, should be wearing gloves. They should also be sterilized and individually packaged.  I think you're being overly paranoid. If it's mandatory then just get it done.


Are you really that dumb


The swabs are individually wrapped and sterilized. You are being silly. Other methods are being tested but are not in mass usage as yet.


unless you are all planning to stay at work--sleep and eat there...there would be no reason to test people...for instance--you get tested before going back...2 days after being you go out and hang out with someone who is sick....your test will say you are fine...but you could be walking back into work sick and spreading covid before the symptoms even show up....

I don't know why any business would waste the money---this is why they are talking about anti-body tests...finding people who are now immune.

L. E. Gant2020-04-22T21:33:59Z

The swabs are sterile. If they weren't there could be false readings, which doctors and everyone else want to avoid.

Yes, there are alternatives, like taking blood samples or other bodily fluids. But swabbing the mouth is the least invasive and reasonably accurate method.