Can I drink alcohol if I have a blood clot in my lung?

Hello! I turned 21 about a month ago but haven't really gotten to drink. My mom told me she could drop off some alcohol for me, before work, if I wanted (I can't go out, as I'm high risk). I didn't ask my doctor if I could drink, as it wasn't on my mind at the moment. The doctors said it was smaller. I'm currently on 5 mg of Eliquis, I take one pill in the morning and one pill at night. I've been on the drug for about 4 months now, I have 6 more months to go. They're still not sure what caused the clot (I got it last year, in December, so it wasn't due to corona.) I was supposed to get some blood testing done but haven't gotten the chance to due to increasing cases of corona in my area, they think I might have this one gene that causes blood to clot easier. (I don't smoke, don't do drugs, and I'm not on bed-rest.) Do you think it would be okay for me to drink? If so, how much?


as far as I know, drinking alcoholic beverages does not interact with bloodclots. However, it MAY interact with those meds you are taking.

Google it, or ask your pharmacist or doctor rather than us lay-folk


It's crucial for you to check with your *doctor* before proceeding.  One should *not* mess with a blood clot, including and especially to the lung.


Wait the six months then ask your doctor. In any event I doubt a small amount of alcohol will hurt. Avoid strong liquor and sip wine.


Alcohol with Eliquis can cause stomach bleeding, you would need to ask your doctor. Personally I wouldn't risk it, especially if you are not used to drinking. Wait until you are off medication.