Reform Jews: How can I stop talking to this orthodox rabbi?

I thought the rabbi was nice and had good intentions, but he just wants me to be orthodox. Hs puts me down for not being that observant in all the Jewish traditions, and tries to make me feel guilty like I did something wrong of immoral. However, I have known and talked to him for a while. He has given me food and provided me with Shabbat meals. How do I stop talking to him, when he has become such a big part of me? I want to make it clear I have no desire to talk to him anymore. He puts me down for not keeping kosher, and so called breaking Shabbat. It is hard to stop talking to someone who you have known for so long. 

P.S. To orthodox Jews who just want to spew hatred and judge and not be tolerable of reform beliefs, dont bother as answering.
Thanks in advance 


Favorite Answer

How? Like this: "Rabbi, I find that your constant attempts to convert me to Orthodoxy are making me wish to avoid you in the future and limit all our social interactions. Do you think you can stop trying to convince me to be more Orthodox? Because if not, I don't think we can be friends anymore".


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