GOP people on Y/A, y do you think compassionate and social conservatives who do not think republicans are so conservative is being liberal?
moderates are not compassionate social conservative also rinos are not conservatives. alt rights are the ones who call compassionate social conservatives liberals mostly
republicans are mostly capitalist not real conservatives btw
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They've said it themselves: There is no place for moderates in the Republican Party. I don't know how William Frank Buckley Jr. (may he rest in peace) type Republicans can stand to be associated with the neo-Confederate quasi-fascist financially irresponsible folks who have seized control of the party.
There ARE many RINOs, yes....And occasionally we do a RINO hunt so that Democrats can wreck American health care. We went from # 1 in the world in price/quality to the mid 30s after 55 years of federal Democrat/RINO 'legislation.'