broken friendship?


friend lied about getting me to help me move, she was to get me but decide not to because of where i had a stimulus check & i had to get things (like a bed, clothes, pay the bills) and then was snotty in saying "well since you spent that money, im not getting you anymore"  before the check, she "promised" to get me & help me get a better apartment. . & i  told her that i would slowly save up money after she got me & still help out with bills. i did alot for her when i used to live with her


she also had a stimulus check (i have no idea with she used hers on) & she has a husband that had a car & they lived 3 hours from me, but still were being cruel in not wanting to get me. honestly if i had a car & a friend was in a difficult situation, i would come get them in a heartbeat, but ill be more cautious now. thanks to everyone that answered.


they say that you can choose your friends but not your family, however, you appear to have seriously misinterpreted that saying completely. Boundaries are something one puts in place in order to protect oneself from the very behaviour you've expressed your friend treated you like. However, (Again) you clearly still haven't gotten with the programme as far as knowing when it's time to let go of something or someone that clearly has no respect for you and basically never did or ever will! Self-preservation is a trait you need to become friends with asap. 

Mio of The Digital Haze2020-05-05T14:10:30Z

Can Flex Tape fix it?
Okay, enough jokes from me. But do you think it can be mended or it's totally over? If not, gotta move on. These things happen in life 🤔


A true friendship lasts. Choose your friends with more caution in future. 

sonikuriaayee 👸🏻2020-05-05T14:07:45Z

Make new friendships


broken toaster?

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